Driving Force of SMEs Involvement in The International Market


Agus Fernando, Ph.D.


viii+71 hlm, 15,5x23cm







There is no longer any dispute regarding the contribution of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to a nation’s economy. These dynamic entities are crucial in nurturing innovation, generating employment opportunities, and driving economic expansion. However, their participation in international markets must be more noticed and addressed. This book explores this fascinating realm from a management perspective to shed light on the driving forces behind the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises.
This book functions as a road map, illuminating the routes that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can take to surmount resource limitations and seize international opportunities. A deeper comprehension of these factors can inspire and empower SMEs to broaden their horizons, enter global markets, and flourish on a larger stage.
This book serve as a catalyst for discourse, spark new ideas, and rekindle a passion for the participation of SMEs in international markets. Let us identify the forces that transform small and medium-sized businesses into global participants, fostering a brighter future for their businesses and their economies

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